OCHS S.A.S. CHEMICAL PRODUCTS together with its allied producers of specialized enzymes, continuously develops the diffusion of its use in the Andeanregion for the improvement of the productive processes of sectors such as Pulpand Paper, Food and Industry. All our enzymes are food grade and have theirrespective Kosher Registration, Halal Registration and have been endorsed byinternational entities such as FDA, JECFA, FAO/WHO.

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Food Industry

Aldo Biolase

We have α-amylase and gluco-amylases that hydrolyze starch bonds to obtain glucose and dextrin.

These specialties are usually used in sugar mills in sugar cane processing, glucose and maltose syrup processing, brewing, fermentation and distillation processes.

Some Benefits

  • Reduces cane juice viscosity and starch crystallization problems.
  • Reduces sucrose losses from the final honey.
  • Increases the efficiency of the manufacturing process, facilitating clarification and filtration.
  • Improves the quality of refined sugar.
  • Improves gelatinization and liquefaction of starch present in malt and high,medium and low-quality cereals.
  • Decreases processing times.
  • Increases scarification to obtain the highest amount of fermentable sugars.
  • Improves the scarification process of liquefied starch to obtain glucosesyrup.
Biolase Cs

We have classic and GMO Cellulases that, thanks to their specificity, allow the degradation of endo and exo glucan bonds, among others.

Based on the specialties of our cellulases and the needs of the industry, we haveexperience in the application of these products in the processing of fruit juices,extraction of vegetable oils, brewing, fermentation and distillation processes.

Some Benefits

  • Reduction of losses in the extraction of raw materials in fruit oil processing.
  • Decrease in energy consumption.
  • Reduction of viscosity, improving pumping, separation and water and energyconsumption in processes such as wort preparation in brewing, juiceproduction and oil extracts.
Hemi Biolase

We have varieties of hemicellulases such as xylanases, glucanases, arabinoxylans, among others, which have been used in different industries such as grain processing, brewing, fermentation and distillation processes in general and in wine and fruit juice processing.

Some Benefits

  • Improve starch-gluten separation from grains such as corn and wheat.
  • Improve the filtration efficiency of beer and wines, and facilitate the use oflow quality raw materials.
  • Reduces viscosity in fermentation and distillation processes.
  • Increases fermentable sugars and alcohol yields.
  • Improves yeast lysis in young and mature wines.
  • Improves membrane cleaning and filtration regeneration (reverse osmosis).
Lifo Biorase

In our portfolio you will find lysophospholipase type enzymes that hydrolyze lysophospholipids producing glycerophosphatides plus FFA. We have applied this enzyme in the processing of corn and wheat grains to obtain glucose syrup, maltose, among others.

Some Benefits

  • Improves the filtration of syrups.
  • Eliminates emulsion problems in syrups.
  • Improves syrup clarification.
  • Reduces foam.

We also have phospholipase enzymes that hydrolyze phospholipids producinglysophospholipids + FFA; with which we have experience in the refining processes of vegetable oils of palm, soybean, rapeseed, canola, sunflower, corn, rice, cottonseed, mustard seed and peanut.

Some Benefits

  • Improves the elimination of phospholipids present in oils.
  • Decreased oil losses.
  • Less formation of FFA (Free Fatty Acids).
  • Less equipment affectation.
  • Lower oil viscosity.
  • Reduced oil coloration.
Biorase Pro

We have a wide range of proteases that can hydrolyze peptide bonds by converting high molecular weight proteins into low molecular weight peptides.

Our experience with these applications is focused on the hydrolysis of animal and vegetable proteins, brewing, fermentation and distillation processes.

Algunos Beneficios

  • Production of wheat gluten, soy protein, gelatin and milk protein hydrolysates.
  • Reduce viscosity in fish, poultry and pork by-products.
  • Helps protease activity that is lacking in the processing of low quality barleyor malt.
  • Facilitates starch release from protein-starch matrices, increasing alcohol production yield.
  • Reduce peptide fouling in equipment.
Biorase Ps

We have different kinds of Pectinases both classical and GMO that allow the hydrolysis of pectin in different parts of the polymeric chain according to their specificity.

Some of our experiences in the food industry are focused on fruit juice processing,vegetable oil extraction, instant coffee processing and obtaining cocoa powder and cocoa butter.

Some Benefits

  • Improves extraction, clarification and filtration processes by reducing the viscosity of the fruit and extracts.
  • Helps to reduce losses in the extraction of juices and oils.
  • Decrease in energy consumption.
  • Improves depectinization and maceration of citrus juices.
  • Optimizes cocoa liquor pressing, improving cocoa butter separation.
  • Reduces coffee demucilation times.
  • Reduces water consumption in the demuciling process.
  • Reduces the acidity of the residual water used in the process.
  • Improves pectin de-esterification, giving more firmness to fruit jams and jellies.

Pulp & Paper Industry


In a highly competitive market, innovative products for the production process can give you a valuable edge over the competition. By driving innovative development, a growing number of enzyme technologies are providing just such an advantage. Today the application of Biorase-A 01 (1,4-β-D-glucanase) is a reality applied in the production of tissue, liner and corrugated papers based on recycled and virgin fiber.

Product: Biorase-A 01


  • It improves the physical properties of the sheet and reduces the energy consumption of the refiners, by its effect it is possible to reduce the dosages of retention and drainage agents, sizing agents, in addition to the products for the reduction of anionic load demand in the system and to eliminate theuse of dry strength aids.
  • Biorase - A 01 is an organic product that generates a micro fibrillation on thesurface of the cellulosic fiber, requiring less refining energy to improve thephysical properties of the paper (refining efficiency), reduces the productionof fines in the pulper by quickly hydrating the cellulose. Likewise, its molecular condition performs an activity on the hydrocolloids present in the water that enters the process allowing the improvement in the drainage and thus increasing the daily productivity of the machine.
  • Product developed for both recycled paper and virgin fiber


  • Improves fiber flexibility (better formation).
  • Improves paper softness due to less abrasion of the refiner on the fiber.
  • Decreases Cation Demand through out the machine.
  • Reduction of refining energy between 15 to 30 %.
  • Increase of drainage around 10%.
  • Low product doses (60 to 100 gr/ton).
  • Reduces production costs (fibers, energy, chemicals and time).
  • Easy and safe to use.

Product: Biorase-C-01



Through the use of both a biochemical refining with Biorase CD-1 Disgregant and aBiorase C-01 Biorefiner complex that complement each other in their activities on the fiber stock comprised as the cellulose itself, the dilution water with all and their compositions is being produced liner and corrugated managing to eliminate the use of cationic starch in the mass and the reduction of traditional chemical treatments such as retention and drainage agents, load sweepers, etc.

Treatment Characteristics: Disintegrant and Biorefiner:

It is composed of two products obtained biotechnologically related to cellulose thatallow obtaining liners and corrugated from secondary fiber reaching higher mechanical strength values compared to papers produced with traditional chemical treatments including the use of cationic starch that must be used to give the quality values accepted in the market.


  • Clean treatment, non-invasive to the environment.
  • Easy application, friendly with the operating personnel.
  • Substitution of chemical substances harmful to the environment and highrisk.
  • For operators such as caustic soda used for pulping paper with high resistance to humidity.
  • Low doses of use in its application.
  • Biotechnological treatment that works at low and high operating temperatures so it does not present limiting as traditional enzymes.


Reduction of costs per ton of paper produced compared to manufacturing costs when applying traditional chemistry, due to the following advantages when producing liners and corrugated:

  • Elimination of the use of cationic starch in the mass, reducing the direct cost of starch per ton produced, as well as operating costs in its preparation such as: energy used in its preparation, savings in energy for pumping to thepoint of application, operational costs by not requiring personnel to attendthe preparation unit and maintenance costs of the operating unit.
  • Reduction of the quantities of retention and drainage agents, anionic sweepers and others, thus reducing the cost per ton of paper.
  • Reduction of fiber losses in pulper rejects, thus improving the fiber utilization indicator.
  • Reduction of energy costs in the operation of pulpers and refiners.
  • Improvement of the resistance properties of liner and corrugated papers produced with the biotechnological treatment compared to papers manufactured with the traditional chemical treatment including cationic starch and in the shower if it is applied; thus reducing rejections in the process and customer complaints.
Virgin Fiber Bleaching

Product: Biorase A -02.


Biorase A -02 is a particular enzymatic product with specific activity that acts in the paper pulp bleaching process, this enzyme has a specific activity; however, its collateral effects technically identified and evidenced in celluloses obtained from wood, suggest a very interesting formula for continuous improvement to pulp manufacturing processes from celluloses obtained from eucalyptus, pine and sugarcane bagasse type woods.

Biorase A-02 is a thermostable hemicellulose, prepared to increase the whiteness in pulps at relatively high temperatures, it opens the pores of the fibers facilitating the diffusion of the lignin to the water to handle greater dilution.

Biorase A-02 acts on the separation of compounds bound to the fibers and the degradation of these interfering substances such as chromophore groups (such asxylans, hemicelluloses, lignin), waxes, heavy alcohols, tocopherols and others. Fibrillation and hydration of these are the new transformations that will be presented in the process, conditions that should be taken advantage of to improve efficiency and move the cost/benefit ratio to an optimization in the products applied for pulp bleaching; in addition to the improvement of drainage and oxygenation of the waters.


  • Low doses in Chlorine from 10 to 15% or elimination of the same.
  • It allows the reduction of Oxygen, Peroxide and Hypochlorite doses.
  • Improves the drainability of the stock in the processes of washing and leaf formation.
  • Improves the hydration and fibrillation of the fiber making possible thereduction of the energy of the refiners.
  • Enables the reduction in the colloidal load of the pulp stock.
  • 100% organic products.
  • Non-hazardous and biodegradable substances.
Microbiological Control

Product: Biorase C M1

Microbiological control in water. Effective control of bacterial growth in the wet circuit of the machine eliminating bad odors of the pulp because it removes microbiological deposits in pipes, tanks and places of difficult access; it also protects the operators of the machine by reducing the handling of highly aggressive products for health and the environment.


  • This broad spectrum organic complex degrades bacterial cell walls by hydrolysis of cell membrane components, attacking both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. In addition, the product contains a surfactant to help with the opening of the glycocalyx and facilitate enzymatic penetration.
  • It is also used for the removal of microbiological deposits in industrial water circuits at very low doses (cooling water systems).


  • Food grade product used for microbiological control in the fermentation industry in food, animal nutrition, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper processes.
  • Eliminates or reduces the use of traditional bactericides, however, it also presents synergistic effects with these products when used together.


  • Reduction in lost time and waste produced by microbiological fouling.
  • Reduction of productivity losses due to sheet breakage caused by the detachment of microbiological deposits from the machine.
  • Reduction of quality losses due to stains and holes in the finished paper.
  • Reduction of clogging of fabrics and felts due to slugs.
  • Reduction of microbiological deposits in the inlet box.
  • Reduction of bad odors in the manufacturing process and in the final product.

Product: Biorase CM 2

Activity: Organic matter removal and microbiological control.

  • Organic micro emulsion specially developed for applications in removal of organic matter deposits and microbiological control in paper mills and water treatment plants.
  • Prevents deposits from bacteria, fungi and yeasts in the system (biomass).
  • Non-toxic and biodegradable agent.
  • Its mechanisms of action (dispersion, detachment and dragging), avoid the adhesion and agglomeration of biomass and consequently restrict its growth and development. This is obtained without negative effects on the physical properties of the sheet or its processes such as gluing.


  • Works in a wide pH range.
  • Effective at low concentrations.
  • Compatible with all water treatment products.
  • Biodegradable product.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Easy to apply.


Applied as a flexible treatment allowing optimization of quantities when used in conjunction with Biorase C M1 by adjusting dosages to the control requirement, aswell as at dosing points. The use of this treatment reduces or eliminates boil-out (chemical cleaning) allowing continuous production, eliminating the use of strong acids and bases and reducing environmental risks and risks to machine workers.

Control of Sckies (Rubbers)

Main activity: Stickies removal: Reduces the frequency of machine stops forcleaning and the chemicals used for cleaning, reduces coagulants and flocculantsin water clarification, reduces the production of sludge and at the same timereduces the BOD and COD of the process water.

Generation of organic products designed for the reduction of micro stickies inpaper preparation processes from recycled paper. Its action is enhanced by the addition of a biomolecule with surfactant properties that improves the release of stickies from the fiber surface and facilitates their removal.

The mechanisms of action are:

  • Release of stickies from the fiber surface.
  • Dispersion (micronization) of the stickies in particles not visible to the human eye.
  • Deactivation of the stickies by coating them with a surfactant that prevents their agglomeration causing them to lose their stickiness or tack.


  • Increases machine productivity by reducing machine downtime for cleaningof garments due to the presence of stickies.
  • Increases the productivity of converting processes by reducing sheet blowouts due to the presence of stickies on the sheet.
  • Improves the quality of the finished paper as there are no voids.
  • Reduces the accumulation of components that cause secondary stickies that travel in the water, reducing the doses of coagulants and flocculants in the clarification process, thus improving BOD and COD in the effluents.
  • It allows to reduce the % of enclosure of process waters and therefore asaving in its replacement and treatment costs.
  • Easy to apply.
Paper Disintegrant

Product: Biorase CD-1: Reduces secondary fiber losses in pulper rejects.


  • The product Biorase C D1 is an organic complex specifically designed as anaid in the pulping of recycled material (fibers that offer resistance topulping). The product enhances the wetting of the recycled fiber in the pulping process, similar to the way it is done in nature without the need to use alkaline agents, allowing the cellulose to be easily separated from the non-fibrous material which is removed in the pulper rejects in less time, making the fiber stock of those accepted freer and more fluid.
  • Due to the effects that the Biorase C D1 product has on the fibers (wetting and fibrillation), it offers benefits in the subsequent processes, as in the case of tissue paper production plants, such as in the de-inking process and subsequent bleaching, and the same as in the packaging paper production plants, it increases the stock drainage speed and, in the end, the mechanical properties of the paper.


  • Allows a better use of the fiber that enters the pulping process by reducingthe amount of cellulose that is lost in the pulper rejects.
  • Eliminates the use of caustic soda in the pulping process, avoiding thestiffness and yellowing of the fiber that it confers. This makes the pulping process more natural and reduces the chemical risk to operators.
  • It increases the wetting capacity of the fiber, which facilitates its separation from contaminants, reducing pulping times, and by making the fiber stock fluid, it facilitates pumping to subsequent processes, reducing energy costs.
  • It allows a better orientation or handling of the fiber (freer and more fluid inthe pumping of the stock).
  • Improves physical properties without being its main function.
  • Reduces the costs of defibering in the pulping of recycled paper by reducing pulping cycle times, reducing energy costs that move the pulper motors and transfer pumps, reducing the trips of the rejected disposal equipment and operating personnel.
  • It improves the appearance of the finished paper, as the fiber gains whiteness points at the exit of the pulper.
  • With its application, cleaner effluents are produced, reducing the contribution to BOD and COD.
  • With the application of Biorase C D1 Disintegrant, it allows pulping papers with high wet strength content that could not be pulped before and that usually have a high content of long fiber that can be used for paper quality.